Sunday, May 17, 2009

India; take a bow

The results of the world's largest elections are out... 60% of the 700 million people that voted have delivered a verdict that pundits cannot stop but call historic. The Congress-led alliance has been delivered a mandate to take the nation through this difficult time; with a clear majority at that. Thank God, we donnot have the disgrace of having Mayawati as our prime minister.Personally this election symbolises two things.

Indians are sick of polity that divides people on the basis of religion. Parties that overtly follow a polarising agenda have been shown the door. This is a stark warning to the future parliamentarian; what we care about is good governance, sufficient infrastructure and freedom of expression. If you cannot provide that, shut the fuck up. The voter has matured and moved on from limp issues like ram jamn bhoomi and minority pandering. Its time the politicos get this fact and change their strategies accordingly.

The verdict is also a thumbs down to retrograde economic beliefs, clearly visibile in the kick in the butt delivered to the Left parties. We had had enough of the drama these parties created for the last five years takeing the country hostage on every small issue. As one market analyst quipped; not seeing Prakash Karat itself accounts for a 500 point rise in the Sensex on Monday. Bye Bye Karat and Yechuri... time for rethink is here.

However I would like to see two other changes on the Indian political scene. The complete obliteration of caste based politicis. Caste is still strong in the Indian social system and has led to much social fragmentation. Secondly, for the largest democracy, its political parties are hardly democratic. Political parties are run as family fiefdoms, with little chance of merit making its way thru the heirarchy. This should change.

The election result is definitely good news and I hope the new government delivers on its promises.

On a lighter note, saw 99 today. A great movie, def worth a dekko.


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