Saturday, August 18, 2007

India: The last bastion of communism

Communism is dead; long live communism. This is the motto of all the retrograde communist parties in India. When it has been unequivocally proved that Communism is a failed theory of social and economic organisation, and the world over governments are moving away from it (China is a capitalist state in a communist garb), these parties of septuagenarians is as ideologically dated as the age of its leaders. Acting as the "defenders of other India" (read poor India), they have no developmental policy, but to maintain the status quo (keep poor India, poor), oppose every change and propose nothing. This crew of political nincompoops should be as extinct as their ideology.

- India's well-wisher


At 3:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Do you really think that Communism can exist in India. It only exists because of fake ideals and since the ruling party needs opposition.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger LasTheorem said...

Just think, Communism is like most other good ideas... impractical.


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