Saturday, April 28, 2007

In the name of culture and religion

The Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing incident is another example of the hypocrisy of the Indian psyche. But it seems we are not alone. Parallels can be drawn with Iran's dress restrictions and Israel's modesty buses. Once again the right of an individual and the didactic actions of governments and moralists are at loggerheads.

These fiats have been issued in the name of culture and religion; vulgar reasons to promote what few people consider to be the moral way of conduct. These people should realise that culture and religion are not divine creations-frozen in time, but the result of continuous change and assimilation. How else can you explain the land of the Kamasutra now ostracizing a kiss. These people have turned religion, a very personal experience, into social dogma. They wander around acting as protectors, without knowing what they are protecting.

I just hope that everyone realises that they have better things to do in life, than harp about how their rich culture or religion is being spoiled by the infidels.


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