Monday, August 04, 2008

To Swiss

The tickets are booked, the itinerary made ready after detailed planning, Hilton's awaiting me to use the hard-earned points... Yes baby, am off to Switzerland, to the land of cheese, chocolates, watches and banks, which is as neutral as its geographical location.

Having passed the two years of analysis-paralysis phase, the long cherished wish is finally coming true. Am totally kicked about this and the long weekend from work could not have come at a more opportune moment. These might be my last few days in Europe for a long time, and with my future location undecided, did not want to miss this opportunity. Anand's good company for the journey as long as he does not bring the stock market into the conversations. Nice way to unwind, before leaving for India... where another plan is in the making. More about that later.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger AB said...

I will try not to bug you with my stock market theories !!


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