Friday, May 15, 2009

Eight month catchup

It has been a while since I last blogged, and a sudden urge to pen my thoughts brought me here. A cursory analysis of this 'why this sudden urge' tells me that nearing the start of the fourth decade on this planet is taking its tool on my memory. The best way to deal with it is to keep something for posteriority (not that anyone contemporary cares about it).

The last time I was here, I was planning for my trip to the Swiss alps... hmmm those were the days; the Swiss were famous for their banking and secret keeping, the world would look towards the US to buy any crap that it produced, the Indians would do any back-office work that came their way.... and the Chinese would save like there was no yesterday. The world has changed a lot since then and looking at the degree of change you would not guess that only eights months have gone by.

Big names have fallen like a pack of cards... Lehman, Citi, GM, Chrysler, all perfectly sound companies last year, have gone nine two eleven (9-2-11 in Hindi) or have filed for chapter eleven. The economic tsunami has spread far and wide, resulting in a world which is desperately trying to get out of the mess which it has found itself in. Millions and billions are passé, all packages... be they rescue or fiscal are now measured in trillions. People are unemployed, deflations coming, governments are over-leveraged, banks under-capitalized, and the world generally nearing financial apocalypse. These surely are interesting times that we are living in.

The period has also seen the election of a new American President. It has been historic to say the least, with an African American with an unusual name being elected to the Oval office. America is now in a unique position, with its President and its number one enemy differing only in a single letter, with the Americans trying their best to not confuse them both. The rise of Obama in America has given hope to the political species in India, especially to a certain lady from the North, known for her fondness to build her own statues, who aims to emulate him in the elections in India. However she conveniently forgets that her agenda of dividing people on the basis of caste is in stark contrast to Obama’s agenda of racial harmony. However who am I to argue with symbolic similarities.
On a national level, this weekend will see the results of India’s general elections. With 300 parties and independents fighting it out for 500 odd seats, it will be huge surprise if any party comes out on top. The end result will be questionable alliances, horse trading and political maneuverings. A motley crew of parties with differing ideologies but a common goal of hoarding power will be forming the next government. The result; five years of indecisive and weak governance. God save our country.

On a more personal front, this has been my longest stint in India, in quite a long period of time. I have now shifted base to Pune for professional reasons and am not regretting it a bit. The city’s livelier than I thought it would be and there is no dearth of pretty young faces around. What more can anyone ask for?

The world has definitely changed a lot in the last few months. There are signs that the worse might be over and hopes that things might improve. Only time would tell.


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